5 Strategies to Achieve Goals Quickly

Ryan Stroble
4 min readMar 1, 2019

The gym.

Year after year — like clockwork — gym memberships skyrocket in the month of January, from all the new year's resolutioners dead set on getting fit and healthy in the new year. But come March or April, how many of those same ‘new’ members continue going?

Probably a handful.

So why is it that so many people fall off the wagon?


We are so eager to get results THIS VERY INSTANT, that we abandon our goals when the results aren’t cut out in black and white.

The reality is, achieving your goals can take a long time and due to this reason, many people will jump ship to take the shortcut.

Clearly, there are is no short cut method to achieve success.

Here's one of my favorite quotes:

“There’s no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs.”

And it’s so true.

However, if you are smart enough or take smart actions, then why not try to take a shorter staircase to the same destination?

Are escalators stairs? I mean it is a moving staircase, right!

So why not take those?

Nevertheless, do not expect to achieve in one day what others might take years to do.

No matter which stairs you use, each step needs to be stepped on in order to make it to the top. But you have the ability to walk at a faster pace!

Here are a few smart moves that you can follow in order to achieve success in a shorter time compared to others.

Narrow Focus

You must be able to read yourself and your mind clearly. This means you must have the ability to point out your goals specifically. Often people set goals too broadly.

For example, most people want to be rich, but that is not a goal because it has no specifications. Richness can be in terms of wealth, education, and so many other things other than money.

Therefore, try to narrow your focus and be specific in your goal.


Motivate yourself. Sometimes, you may not get any motivation from others; therefore, you need a strategy to motivate your own self in times of depression and frustration.

You may love your friends, but sometimes they aren't the best at helping you achieve your dreams! It’s not their fault, they just don’t see the steps as clearly as you do.

So surround yourself with people who do!

The great thing about technology is that even if you’re alone on your quest, there is still someone else out there reaching out to help.

The internet is filled with successful people that took the same stairs you’re walking and most of them are willing to help you reach the top.

Find them because they’re the ones that will help you over the hurdles when they come up!

Positive Affirmation

I am therefore it is.

Human psychology can work in mysterious ways.

Try to spend at least fifteen minutes every day visualizing your goals. This again will help in motivation.

Affirmations are positive statements that can help you to challenge and overcome self-sabotage and negative thoughts.

I am therefore it is.

These positive mental repetitions can reprogram our thinking patterns so that, over time, we begin to think — and act — differently. You need to foster a positive mental attitude if you truly want to achieve success.


Proper planning is essential to achieve a goal. You must plan once by yourself, and then verify the plan with someone well experienced.

In other words, how does your plan measure up to those who have done it before?

This consultation will help you identify any faults or chinks you may have that would otherwise be left unnoticed. Plan a route for the roadblocks before you even hit them.

You can note down your plans in a tabular way so that everything will appear to be in order and ensure that you have the ability to measure the progress you make in your everyday goals.

This is very important because if you can’t measure your progress, then you can’t update your goals and you will lose track midway.

I like to use excel because I can highlight each goal a certain color so that I know EXACTLY what stage I’m at in my progress.


Finally, be dedicated and committed to your goals. Dedication plays a major role in the achievement of your dreams.

By following these strategies you can attain success quickly.

And just remember that when you start to achieve success, keep your foot firmly on the ground as this can be the time most people fail to do so.

Good luck!

What Keeps You Motivated?!

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Ryan Stroble
Ryan Stroble

Written by Ryan Stroble

Digital Nomad in Performance Marketing. B.Comm Marketing Management.

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